PDF version with guide

The 8-page PDF version of the IRMAT includes all 18 items, with general instructions and descriptions of each item alongside a rubric to assist with scoring each item.

online version

The web-based version of the pilot tool provides access to the 18 items as well as the rubric and descriptions for each item.

cite the tool

Kean, E. B., Miller, E., Smith, C., & Lim, Y. S. (2024). Integrative Review Methodology Appraisal Tool (IRMAT) User Guide. Scholar@UC, University of Cincinnati Digital Repository.


Kean, E. B. (2023). Development and Testing of the Reliability and Validity of the IRMAT: Integrative Review Methodology Appraisal Tool [Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.

The Integrative Review Methodology Appraisal Tool (IRMAT) demonstrates evidence of construct validity, internal consistency reliability, and inter-rater reliability. The IRMAT has implications for educating doctoral nursing students and nurses in clinical practice on appraising integrative reviews in the nursing literature. The IRMAT may also be used by editors and peer reviewers to appraise submitted nursing integrative reviews prior to publication.


If you have questions about the IRMAT or would like to create your own version of the tool, please reach out using the contact info below.


Cincinnati, OH